Tips To Stimulate Your Body

How to stimulate our body with Yoga In morning  with  Sun Salutation to make the whole body healthier

1. Stand tall with feet together and palms contacting each other before the chest.

2. Breathe in, raise the arms and delicately twist in reverse, extending the arms over the head.

3. Breathe out and gradually twist advances so your head meets your knees and your hands arrive at your feet (or to the extent that they can go)

4. Breathing in profoundly, make a long in reverse stride with the right leg. Keep your hands and feet solidly on the ground, with the left foot situated between the hands. Admire the sky.

5. While breathing out, take the passed by walking to meet the right one. Keeping your arms straight, raise the hips and position the in the middle of between the arms.

6. Pause your breathing and lower the whole body to the floor until your feet, knees, hands, chest and brow contact the ground.

7. Breathe in, and lift the middle to twist it in reverse, and look towards the sky.

8. Breathe out and push the hips towards the roof, keeping the arms straight.

9. Breathe in and step the right leg between your hands.

10. Breathe out and carry your passed on leg to join the right. Rehash stage 3.

11. Breathe in and rehash stage 2.

12. Breathe out and get back to the beginning position. Rehash the succession multiple times, shifting back and forth between legs

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